About Me
I enjoy building fast, efficient and scalable algorithms for big graphs and big data in general. I hold a PhD in data science that involved the design of distributed algorithms of graph pattern matching on current Think-Like-A-Vertex graph processing systems. I am most skilled in: Spark and Scala
I work on designing large scale parallel and distributed machine learning algorithms for streaming data.
Ubiquity.AI helps Ad Networks to increase their ROI by removing ad decisioning bottlenecks thanks to a proprietary Decision as a Service platform that increases their margin up to 300% while preserving the scale. Unlike solutions that rely on constant manual tuning or general-purpose Machine Learning not fitted for all KPIs, Ubiquity.AI empowers Ad Networks to grow their margin and customer base without growing their operational costs.
I worked on distributed algorithms of big graphs and big data processing platforms.
My research interests include: Distributed algorithms, Graph algorithms, Graph Pattern Matching, ML Applied to graphs, graph data models.
I delivered the programming course Big Data - Scala
in the post-graduation training PGS. It covers: basic syntax of Scala programming language, functional programming with Scala, and Scala collections.
I also delivered the introductory course Frameworks for big graphs - GraphX
I worked on improving the logging system of the VTC application Yassir. My responsitibilies included mainly:
- Extraction of the log events available at a Kafka server using a logger implemented with NodeJs.
- Transformation of the events to compresenhive information to be stored on an Elasticsearch server.
- Creation of dashboards for the visualization and reporting of logs using Kibana.
In my final year’s engineering project, I worked on the design and development of a monitoring system for predicting plant diseases in Algeria, using Incremental Machine Learning algorithms. My responsibilities in this project included:
- Collecting data on plant disease prediction for the two diseases Fusarium Head Blight and Potato Mildiew.
- Design of a new algorithm for plant disease prediction based on incremental learning.
- Design and development of a backend for disease prediction based on current weather conditions, using Python and Django.
- Design and development of a web application, using Angular, for monitoring and visualization of the disease spread across Algerian crops.
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 and Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique - Alger
Joint PhD in Computer Science
2018 - 2021
I worked in my PhD on the problem of Graph Pattern Matching (GPM) in the context of large-scale distributed graphs. PhD Thesis dissertation can be downloaded via this link: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms for Pattern Matching in Big Graphs
Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique
Engineering degree in IT Systems
2012 - 2017
My final year’s project was about the development of a plant disease forecasting platform. Thesis dissertation can be downloaded via this link: APDM : vers une plateforme intelligente pour la prevision des maladies végétales
Technical Experience
- Programming Languages
- Java: I work with Java on a daily basis.
- Scala: I have an experience of 5 years working with Scala and functional programming. I have implemented several distributed and parallel algorithms of graphs with Scala, Spark RDDs and GraphX.
- Python: I had the chance to work with Python for one year during my final year’s engineering project. I have implemented different data science algorithms in addition to a web application using Django. I have also worked on a data science project using Python during my experience at Ya Technologies.
- Basic knowledge of C, C++
- Big data plateforms
- Spark Apache: I have an experience of 4 years working with Spark and its module GraphX for designing graph pattern matching algorithms in the context of massive graphs. I am also responsible of the deployment and management of the big data plateform at the CERIST research center.
- Elastic Stack: I have worked with the different components of the Elastic Stack including Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana during my experience as a data science consultant at Yassir. I have also an experience in the deployment and management of an Elasticsearch cluster on a production environment using Docker and Kubernetes.
Spoken Languages
Arabic (native speaker) – French – English